5 Morning Motions To Supercharge Your Soul

If you’ve ever been told that you ‘woke up on the wrong side of bed’, you’ll know that the ridicule and insinuation of morning grumpiness is only likely to be met by further furrowed brow. But you might be surprised to know there is method in the madness of this idiom because although the side of the bed may be irrelevant, how you choose to rise in the mornings can have a significant impact on your mood and frame of mind for the rest of the day.

The widely understood benefits of a morning routine include its ability to reduce stress, increase happiness, reduce procrastination, boost confidence and improve overall performance. But you’ll be pleased to know that you don’t necessarily need a lengthy, tedious practice that’s unrealistic and uninspiring to you. You can choose to make a relaxed and focused start to your day within the very first moments of waking.


1. Wake Up, Get Up
The longer you lie in bed after waking, the more likely you are to elevate anxiety. The anticipation of your day ahead can creep in and take over, often leading to frenzied thoughts and procrastinations before you even lift your head from the pillow. According to verywellmind.com, hitting the snooze button can also throw off your sleep cycles and your schedule, because the sleep you get in the five to ten minutes of snoozing isn’t restorative and may make you even groggier. Resist the temptation to check your phone too, as it can also trigger feelings of anxiety, distract you and make you late. The hardest part is pushing off those warm covers. The rest is plain sailing!

2. Make Your Bed
If you want a feeling of accomplishment before you even move into your bathroom, make your bed upon rising. In a 2014 commencement speech at the University of Texas at Austin, Naval Admiral William McRaven shared his thoughts on the matter. “If you make your bed every morning, you will have accomplished the first task of the day. It will give you a small sense of pride and it will encourage you to do another task and another and another,” he said. “By the end of the day, that one task completed will have turned into many tasks completed. Making your bed will also reinforce the fact that little things in life matter.”

Completing this one task can set off a chain reaction of other smart choices and positive practices throughout the day. And if the neat corners and cushions add to those feelings of satisfaction – I say, bring them on!

3. Perform a ‘Stretch and Breathe’ Sequence
This will count as a series of motions and movements, but investing five to ten minutes in a morning stretch will help wake up your body and your heart space, boost flexibility, manage any aches or pains and improve your mood. There are plenty of free examples on You Tube, that will also help guide your breathing. Conscious breathing whilst stretching may help to release toxins, any physical or emotional blockages that you may have, and fill you with new energy. Choose one that suits you best, and make it part of your morning mantra!

4. Say an Affirmation Out Loud
Show your commitment to yourself by repeating an affirmation in the mirror. It will help to empower you and set your focus and your intentions for the day that lies ahead. It’s amazing how speaking powerful, positive thoughts out loud to your own reflection can make such a profound difference to your self-confidence and determination. One I love to say to help me build self-trust is:

“Everything I want to be is already within me. I have faith in my own insights and will use what I know.”

5. Seal It With a High Five
We usually ‘high five’ when we are celebrating someone else’s success or achievement. The motion shows a respect and appreciation for the person you share it with. So see how it feels to high-five your own reflection, because in doing this you are confirming your recognition and support of yourself, your intentions and the success that you already are. Through acknowledging and authorising your own worth, you are less likely to need external validation to make you feel accomplished. A simple high five with yourself in the mirror has the power to fill you with a renewed sense of confidence and motivation for your day ahead. You can read more about the positive outcomes of ‘The High 5 Habit’ in Motivational Speaker, Mel Robbin’s book.

Practicing these motions on waking, and incorporating them into daily routine will mean that you show up for your day in high spirit and with purpose. You will be cultivating a positive and self-energising ritual with the scope and intention to put yourself first much more effortlessly in all areas of your life. Remember, that your relationship with yourself is the essence of relationship that you hold. You deserve and owe yourself that time and attention, and be it left side, or right side of bed – it’s time to rise and shine!

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