“Business writing stole my show for twenty years. Now I can write about what matters most to me, in the hope of resonating with others.”

Writing to replenish the soul

My mission with my writing is to inspire and empower other women as their navigate their journey in mid-life. A time in life when our innermost, wild self beckons to us after years of burying her away in devotion to others. Since my self-awakening two years ago I have been writing about all things ‘self’ and the journey to inner contentment, via a social media blog for women in their forties. 

My monthly love letter ‘Wild Whispers’ aims to provide insight and enlightenment on all sorts of things that help you move closer to your wild self – your primal inner being who you turn away from to tend to external matter, time and time again. I hope to tempt you back, to be still, to listen more closely – in the hope that you’ll resist pushing your truest self away, and pause for a short while to reflect on what’s important for you; to respond more willingly to the nudging for your time and attention. My words hope to deeply resonate, to ignite your curiosity and sharpen your intuition – an important start in your journey selfward. Your journey home.

You can sign up to receive my Wild Whispers in the footer below.

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