Dear Mid-Life Friend…

You are faced with a choice. One that seems too big for you to make. One that tugs at your heart and soul but that you keep pushing away. It’s a choice between daring to remember yourself again, or choosing to forget. Daring to be completely you, or to remain you in fragments. To live by your own truths and values, or by those of others. It’s about daring to change the expectations placed on you, and those you have placed on yourself. Daring to stop playing small. Daring to take a leap as you, and for you. Towards the things that mean the most to you in your life. And away from the things that are shrinking you, overwhelming you, intoxicating you.

Start turning away from anyone or anything that disempowers you in life. Move towards the things that inspire and thrill you. The things that scare you. Because that’s where the growth is. Where the gold is. Think big, take risks, rise tall in their wake and show them you mean business. Reignite the fire in your soul. Let it burn bright and unrelenting. Use it to warm and enlighten all those around you, to reassure them of your love and to remind you of your own worth. Be sure to stoke it when you need to step up. Use the fire in your soul to make the differences you know are there for the making.

Stop worrying about what people might think. Their thinking, their perceptions are not yours to control. Let them think what they think and start to think for yourself. Learn to self-validate and own your decisions. The journey is yours and no one else’s. As for the mean girl you carry in your head, the one who fills you with self-doubt and uncertainty… Tell her politely to piss off. She will recoil in shock. In total awe. Of you. The good girl. The great woman. The one who just knows. The only one who knows. Of your true spirit. Your true worth. Knows what you are truly made of.

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Are you ready to take the next step in connecting with me? In a thirty minute Discovery session, we can chat about how coaching could support you.