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Making Progress With Patience

Science offers fascinating insights into the nature of patience, revealing that it’s not just a passive trait but an active skill that can be developed and has tangible benefits for our mental and...

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From the Children…

From the Children to their Mothers… let it be known: You are my lifeblood.You are the reason for my existence, but let that not dilute yours.Your love is unconditional. Don’t exclude...

Learning to Self-Serve

How many times in your life have you worried that spending time with yourself or putting yourself first would be selfish? That it is just not an option because of all the other competing needs around...

Night Terrors of a Mum with Tweens

Night terrors of a mum with tweens My husband and I asked the kids to be in their bedrooms by 8:30pm yesterday evening – so that we could start watching Stranger Things Season 4! Huddled up on the...

Dear Mid-Life Friend…

You are faced with a choice. One that seems too big for you to make. One that tugs at your heart and soul but that you keep pushing away. It’s a choice between daring to remember yourself again, or...